A personal welcome to YOU.

If I had to look back at my 18 year old self and give her a message, I would tell her that life is about learning and balance, and to pay close attention to the inner voice; it won't steer you wrong. There is pleasure and pain, victorious moments and those of regret, giving and receiving, love and separation. All are good. There is always a lesson through our experiences, a message to take away that improves our outlook on life. Balance is key to all.
For those that know me, and those who have just arrived, my name is Colette Brown, and I am extremely passionate about being well. It is not a single approach, but the whole. Mingling better eating habits with self care, reducing stress and creating a happy space where you work and live, releasing unhealthy relationships that don't honor us, replacing with positive, healthy, uplifting ones. A gratitude practice is a keystone to remain positive and appreciate of all the good in our lives. The Law of Attraction is real; put out only what you want to receive.
This journey of wellness is ongoing, and I am here to share the information I have learned, wisdom I have gleaned, personal experiences that have changed and shaped me into the woman I am today. The road not always paved, a lot of times rocky, coupled with perseverance and tenacity to never give up on my goal of feeling better, ultimately leading a better life. My mission is to create a space with helpful and easy to digest content, full of compassion and gentleness that your soul needs.
I have created a program and easy to follow tools to help you reach your optimal state of being. It requires work, accountability, going deep into the "why" of your desired destination, intention and an open mind. This is ideal for those who have tried everything and are ready to learn and understand their bodies and find what truly works best for them.
Take advantage of plentiful resources on the web, and make sure they are from reliable sources. For additional reading you can check out this article by WebMD and their article on 5 tips for Better Work-Life Balance.
Give yourself some love, and welcome to my world of wellness!
In Health,
Colette Brown